Thursday, January 15, 2009

Green Tea

A lot of people who wants to lose weight drink green tea, that is why it is considered as popular weight-loss supplement. It also improves blood sugar regulation. It helps to improves metabolic health. Scientists from the University of Porto in Portugal found that green tea prevented fat cell development and promoted fat cell death in rats. Green tea was their only beverage during the six-month experiment. They speculated that chemicals in green tea such as caffeine and catechins particularly epigallocatechin-3-gallate speed metabolism and fight fat. Green tea is an effective fat fighter that decreases fat cell size and number. If you are a bodybuilder you need to use it with caution because green tea, however, also increased the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in fat cells, which might have negative effect in bodybuilders.


Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Yes, green tea is good for the body. It helps eliminate accumulated toxins in our body by flushing them out through our urinary system. Thanks for the informative post. God bless you always.

Artofreed said...

I like green tea....Most of Indonesia people drink tea everyday !

SearchingWellness said...

Green tea is good.

Anonymous said...

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Tripzibit said...

I didn't know that green tea have some negative effect for bodybuilder

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