Sunday, April 12, 2009


Mushrooms are believed to be a source of vitality. They are the basis of the Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Plantidote Mega-Mushroom line. Weil is a medical doctor, botanist and integrative health expert, partnered with the botanical-based company to produce Plantidote. It incorpotates a combination of mushrooms (Hypsizygus ulmarius, Cordyceps, Chaga and Reishi). They are used with other natural ingredients and refreshing essential oils to promote skin firmness. Aveeno Active Naturals uses a "shiitake complex" to help accelerate skin cell renewal.


aybi said...

That's great news, i like mushrooms great post!

Ish said...

I love mushrooms of all shapes and sizes, great info!

B brave n express who ur said...

Hey its very nice and interesting….cute way of expression in words….i liked it….kindly visit ma blog and do comment

Jamie Krause said...

Neat article about mushrooms! Mushrooms are good and I love them!

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